GMC News

Word of the Week: Dependability

Georgia Military College Prep School
Word of the Week: Dependability
Week of April 10 – 16, 2016

Definition: capable of being depended on; worthy of trust; reliable: a dependable employee.

“The shifts of fortune test the reliability of friends.” – Cicero
“Ability is important in our quest for success, but dependability is critical.” – Zig Ziglar
“God does not begin by asking us about our ability, but only about our availability, and if we then prove our dependability, he will increase our capability.” – Neal A. Maxwell
“Without dependability one’s ability may be a liability instead of an asset.”  – Woodrow Wilson
“A true friend is a friend when in difficulty” – Quintus Ennius

Getting to the point:
This week's virtue could not have been a better choice.  Since MANY of us in  Milledgeville and Baldwin County are struggling to have water, this trait hits home  today.  My hat is off to all those who are working morning, noon, and night to get our water back on.  We grow complacent with all of our utilities and when that storm hits or that pipe breaks, we go nuts wondering "When is it coming back on?  Will it ever?"  We expect so many things in our daily lives to be dependable, which makes this writer wonder – Are you dependable?

Putting Words into Action:
When you give someone your word, do you do what you say?  If you tell someone you  will be there to help, do you show up on time and ready to participate?  Nothing hurts  worse to those needing your help than for you not to show after you have given your  word.  People depend on you just as much as you do on them.  When you are part of a  volunteer organization, you must meet your obligations to those you are serving with.   We have all been on the receiving end of someone who promised to be somewhere to  help only to get there and find out that you are the Lone Ranger in the situation.

Think About It:
So what kind of person, friend, or colleague are you?  Can others depend on you or are you ‘that’ person others speak of?  Are you a timely, hardworking person, whose word is true?  Are you the dependable one in the relationship when it comes to giving your word?   Or does someone have to clean up the mess after you fail?  Be the person who others CAN depend on, do not be ‘that’ person.  It will make a difference in not only your life, but also in the lives of all those around you.

Jennifer Aniston once said, “Where would you be without friends? The people to pick you up when you need lifting? We come from homes far from perfect, so you end up almost parent and sibling to your friends and your own family. There’s nothing like a really loyal, dependable, good friend.”  This quote is a perfect description of someone who is dependable. Not only should the world have more dependable friends, but dependable people should surround us at all times in our homes, workplace, and in our daily lives. We all depend on people every day whether it is the mailman delivering your mail or your mother to have your favorite dinner ready once you get home like she promised. From the time we are born, we depend on people for many reasons. Babies have to depend on their parents to do everything for them and without their parents they wouldn’t survive.  Dependability is a character trait that cannot be replaced and many times we forget how important dependability really is. At the end of the day, our word is all we have and in order for others to trust us we have to stand firm on our words and keep our promises.

Once people see that you actually do what you say you were going to do, they begin to depend on you. When people categorize you as a dependable person you will gain many relationships and responsibilities. People truly enjoy knowing that there is one person that they can always depend on. We all know at least one person whom we may depend on to get anything done whenever you ask of them. We should strive every day to be that dependable person for someone else.

Once you start the spark of being a dependable person for someone, others will follow in your footsteps.

C/1LT Meia Warren is a student at Georgia Military College Prep School