About the Corps of Cadets

2025 Schedule

Col Rob RamirezMessage from the Commandant

Welcome to Georgia Military College Corps of Cadets.

Cadets enrolling in Georgia Military College Corps of Cadets are afforded significant advantages that their peers in other institutions do not have. First, the cadets have the opportunity to develop their leadership potential and learn, firsthand, the value of teamwork and community that results from living and working together. Second, while the academics develop the cadets’ minds, the cadet organization facilitates the elevation of character and the growth into authentic servant leaders.

Our mission at Georgia Military College Corps of Cadets is to develop men and women of character, grounded by the values of Duty, Honor, and Love of Country. This mission statement is the foundation of our core values, and we seek every opportunity to develop and refine them in our cadets. We also strive to foster self-discipline and respect for others.

As GMC Cadets, you are expected to embody the mission and values of the Corps of Cadets (Duty, Honor, and Love of Country). Your journey at Georgia Military College is not just about personal growth, but also about preparing to be effective leaders for your community and nation while being ambassadors for Georgia Military College.

We look forward to having you join our team and become a member of the Georgia Military College Family.

Rob Ramirez
43rd Commandant of Cadets, Georgia Military College
Email: rramirez@gmc.edu



GMC History

Since 1879, students have come to Georgia Military College for an education that inspires, challenges, and prepares them for the future.

For over a century, GMC’s Corps of Cadets has been dedicated to sharpening our students’ intellects, elevating their character, and building their strengths. Our students are inspired to ask questions and challenged to explore solutions, honing their leadership skills and critical thinking as they explore a world of possibilities.

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Life as a Cadet

Cadets are heavily involved in academic and cadet activities Monday through Friday. Most weekends are left free for cadets to take passes or leaves. Those required to remain on campus for disciplinary reasons perform cadets duties throughout the weekend under the supervision of GMC cadre.

Exceptions are weekends just prior to mid-term examinations and one weekend in the Fall when college alumni are welcomed back to the campus for a full weekend of parades and orientations. All cadets are required to remain on campus during these “closed” weekends to prepare for examinations and support campus-wide activities. Cadets involved in various clubs (such as Drill and Ranger Challenge teams) and those playing varsity football may take part in various weekend competitions during the school year.

Freshman Year

Your leader training will revolve around personal development, followership, and peer leadership. As a Cadet private in the Corps of Cadets, you will have very little leadership responsibility which enables you to focus on your studies. To succeed at Georgia Military College you must forge a strong academic foundation during this crucial first year. Academic success, physical fitness, and an aptitude for leadership and responsibility will be the framework for future positions of leadership in the Corps of Cadets.

Sophomore Year

You leadership education focuses on leading a small team of four to five freshman Cadets as a team leader, or a squad of nine to ten Cadets as a squad leader. In these positions you will be completely responsible for the developments, academic success, physical fitness, and well being of each Cadet in your squad or team. Freshman Cadets will rely on your knowledge, professionalism, and expertise to guide them through their freshman year.

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Notable Alumni

We can never repay these gentlemen for their service, but we will forever be grateful and their legacies will always live on at Georgia Military College.

Academic Excellence.
Since 1879.

We’ve been educating bright minds for well over a century. That’s why a degree from GMC means more than just a great education. It means success.