HEERF Grant Information
2025 Schedule
Mar 17
Jun 2
(478) 387-4900
(478) 387-4846
HEERF Grant Information
HEERF (Supplemental Support under American Rescue Plan - SSARP)
GMC received additional Federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (known as SSARP – Supplemental Support under American Rescue Plan) to assist students who were affected financially due to hardship related to Coronavirus. All funding will be disbursed by GMC to GMC Students to assist them with any emergency expenses related to Coronavirus. GMC will disburse the funds based on guidance from the U.S. Department of Education.
In keeping with the HEERF SSARP distribution regulations, the following is an overview of the GMC plan for the $1,096,396 HEERF SSARP Grant Funds: Eligible students will receive awards to assist with emergency costs due to Coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care, or childcare. These funds will be distributed beginning November 2022 and will continue for quarter 3.
- Priority will be given to students with exceptional need.
Quarter 2, 2022 – $190
Quarter 3, 2023 – $200
- The remaining balance of HEERF SSARP funds will be distributed to students who are not eligible for Federal Pell Grant.
Quarter 2, 2022 – $60
Quarter 3, 2023 – $70
For questions regarding the HEERF SSARP Grant, please email FAHelp@gmc.edu
HEERF III (American Rescue Plan – ARP)
GMC received additional Federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (third HEERF funding, known as HEERF III) to assist students who were affected financially due to hardship related to Coronavirus. All funding will be disbursed by GMC to GMC Students to assist them with any emergency expenses related to Coronavirus. GMC will disburse the funds based on guidance from the U.S. Department of Education.
In keeping with the HEERF III distribution regulations, the following is an overview of the GMC plan for the $11,635,814 HEERF III Emergency Financial Aid Grant funds: Eligible students will receive awards to assist with emergency costs due to Coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care, or childcare. These funds will be distributed beginning August 2021 and will continue throughout the school year.
1. Priority will be given to students with exceptional need.
Quarter 1, 2021 – $775
Quarter 2, 2021 – $795
Quarter 3, 2022 – $795
Quarter 4, 2022 – $850
2. The remaining balance of HEERF III funds will be distributed to students who are not eligible for Federal Pell Grant.
Quarter 1, 2021 – $550
Quarter 2, 2021 – $570
Quarter 3, 2022 – $570
Quarter 4, 2022 – $625
For questions regarding the HEERF III Grant, please email FAHelp@gmc.edu.
Click Here to view Frequently Asked Questions
GMC received additional Federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (second HEERF funding, known as HEERF II) to assist students who were affected financially due to hardship related to Coronavirus. All funding will be disbursed by GMC to GMC Students to assist them with any emergency expenses related to Coronavirus. GMC will disburse the funds based on guidance from the U.S. Department of Education.
In keeping with the HEERF II distribution regulations, the following is an overview of the GMC plan for the $2,999,340 HEERF II Emergency Financial Aid Grant funds: Eligible students received awards to assist with emergency costs due to Coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care, or childcare. Only students who were citizens and eligible non-citizens received the funding. These funds were distributed beginning April 2021 and will continue to be awarded until all funds have been expended.
- Priority was given to students with exceptional need. Pell eligible and GMC Cadets received $800.
- The remaining balance of HEERF II funds was distributed to students who are not eligible for Federal Pell Grant. Non-Pell eligible students received $575.
For questions regarding the CARES Act Grant, please email FAHelp@gmc.edu.
Click Here to view Frequently Asked Questions
Click Here to view GMC’s Plan to Distribute HEERF II Funding – How to Verify Address and Enroll in Direct Deposit.
Click here to view the Department of Education’s institutional reporting requirements with respect to the CARES Act Higher Education Relief Fund (HEERF).
GMC received $2,999,340 in funding from Federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (HEERF I), also known as CARES Act, to assist students who were affected financially due to hardship related to Coronavirus. All funding has been disbursed to GMC Students to assist them with any expense related to Coronavirus based on guidance from the U.S. Department of Education.
In keeping with the CARES Act distribution regulations, the following outlines the GMC Emergency Financial Aid Grant funds distribution.
1. For the student funds, GMC did not apply CARES Act funds to student balances, nor did GMC reimburse itself for any costs or expenses, including but not limited to any costs associated with significant changes to the delivery of instruction due to the coronavirus and did not reduce previously awarded federal, state, or institutional financial aid awards.
2. The only statutory requirement was the funds be used to cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. Funds awarded under the CARES Act were not considered Federal financial aid under Title IV of the HEA.
3. Eligible GMC students who were enrolled 2020 Spring (even those who have withdrawn from one or more courses) were issued a grant for the cost and disruption of their in-seat course(s) transitioning to an online platform. The Department of Education indicated students who filed or who are eligible to file a FAFSA may receive emergency financial aid grants, if they were otherwise eligible for Title IV funding. However, students who were enrolled exclusively in online courses for 2020 Spring were not eligible for emergency financial aid grants.
4. In addition to the grant, eligible GMC cadets and civilian student athletes (CSA), living in campus housing, were reimbursed for their individual, round-trip transportation cost.
5. Initial student awards were issued May, 2020. As GMC worked to issue all CARES Act Grant funds, we then issued a final grant disbursement to all eligible students in the amount of $30.40. This disbursement was issued June 26,2020.
The Resource Management Office awarded grants to eligible students based on the criteria listed, with priority given to Pell eligible student and cadets living in Campus Housing:
- Cadets Living in Campus Housing * $1,030.40 Grant **
- Pell Eligible Students $1,030.40 Grant
- Non-Pell Eligible Students $ 930.40 Grant
*Students in this category do not appear in any other category.
**Plus, transportation reimbursement. The transportation reimbursement included a $35 meal per diem for two days, round-trip airfare to/from their home, or round-trip mileage to/from their home at a rate of $0.57 per mile.
For questions regarding the CARES Act Grant, please email FAHelp@gmc.edu
HEERF Reporting
On April 8, 2020 Georgia Military College (GMC) signed and submitted the Department of Education’s “Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.” GMC intends to use no less than 50 percent of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students. As a recipient of emergency funds, GMC is to publish a report to the public 30 days after the date when the institution received its allocation under 18004(a)(1) and updated every quarter thereafter.
GMC HEERF Grant Policy
HEERF III - Institutional/Student Grants
2023 Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Report – Third Quarter 2023
2023 Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Report – Second Quarter 2023
2023 Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Report – First Quarter 2023
2022 Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Report – Fourth Quarter 2022
2022 Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Report – Third Quarter 2022
2022 Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Report – Second Quarter 2022
HEERF III Reporting - Institutional
HEERF III Reporting - Student Grants
HEERF II Reporting - Institutional
HEERF II Reporting - Student Grants
HEERF I Reporting - Institutional
HEERF I Reporting - Student Grants
Student Communication
All instructions, directions, or guidance provided by the institution to students concerning the Emergency Financial Aid Grants (CARES Act Grant) are located below:
- February 10, 2023: GMC HEERF (SSARP), Information Email to Students
- November 12, 2022: GMC HEERF (SSARP), Information Email to Students
- April 22, 2022: GMC HEERF III (ARP), Information Email to Students
- February 10,2022: GMC HEERF III (ARP), Information Email to Students
- November 12,2021: GMC HEERF III (ARP), Information Email to Students
- September 20, 2021: GMC HEERF III (ARP), Information Email to Students
- March 31,2021: GMC HEERF II (CRRSA Act), Information Email to Students
- June 23, 2020: GMC CARES Act Grant, Student Communication for Second and Final Disbursement
- May 1, 2020: GMC CARES Act Grant Information Email to All Students from the Office of Financial Aid
- April 27, 2020: GMC CARES Act for Students Email to All Students from President Caldwell
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