Student Right to Know
Section 103 of the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990 as amended by the Higher Education Technical Amendments of 1991 (Public Law 101-542) is a federally-mandated public disclosure of a college’s completion and transfer rates. GMC provides information to its students, so they can make comparisons when selecting the college of their choice.
In order to determine completion and transfer rates, a group of students called a cohort are identified and tracked. The cohort consists of those students taking classes in the fall term, who are enrolled as first-time freshmen, are taking more than 12 quarter hours (full-time designation), and are seeking a degree.
The completion rate is the total number of students in this cohort who complete a degree within six years.
The transfer rate is the total number of students in this cohort who transferred to another institution within six years.
Georgia Military College also provides the fall-to-fall retention rates as reported to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).
Data Limitations – This data does not represent the completion, transfer-out, and retention rates of the entire student population at Georgia Military College, but only its first-time, full-time degree seeking students. A nationwide tracking of transfer students does not exist. However, colleges that participate in National Clearinghouse have the ability to track students to other colleges utilizing this system.
GMC reported this data to IPEDS, and it is located in the annual Feedback Report. IPEDS collects data from about 7,500 institutions providing postsecondary education in the United States to provide information to a variety of stakeholders through the College Navigator site
GMC’s student achievement measures, goals, and outcomes are available by clicking the GMC SACSCOC 8.1 Student Achievement Goals and Outcomes link below.
Athletically Related Student Aid Report, 2024
GMC Retention, Graduation, Transfer-Out Rates
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