GMC News
WMAZ Anchor Speaks to Media Club
WMAZ Anchor Speaks to Media Club
(Milledgeville, GA) January 24, 2008 – WMAZ TV Channel 13 News Anchor Tyler Pearson recently visited the Media Club class at GMC Prep School. The Media Club is tasked with producing a monthly video that discusses and promotes ethics including the Word of the Month and Word of the Week programs at GMC. The class sponsor, Maj. Brent Gebel, invited Mr. Pearson to speak to the class. He said, “Tyler shared some of his insights of anchoring a news desk, reporting from the field, and what it is like to work in television. He talked with the class about remembering who your audience is and trying to act like you are talking to just one person on the other end of the camera. Mr. Pearson originally started working at a TV station for a summer job and immediately fell in love with broadcasting. He shared some of his funnier moments in broadcasting and left the class with a great number of ideas for the production of the video.”
The class presented Mr. Pearson with a GMC T-shirt so he will remember his visit to Milledgeville and GMC.