GMC News
Students to be Recognized During Academic Honors Parade
(Milledgeville, GA) April 14, 2004 – Committed to academic excellence, Georgia Military College prides itself on preparing students for a successful future. GMC will acknowledge those students who have achieved academic distinction, by hosting a parade in their honor.
Featuring the 125th Corps of Cadets, the Academic Honors Parade will be held Friday, April 16 at 2:30 p.m. on Davenport Field. The guest speaker will be MAJ A. Alling Jones, Teacher of French and Journalism at GMC High School and Middle School. A native of Milledgeville, Mr. Jones graduated from GMC High School in 1959, received an A.B. in Philosophy from Emory University, an A.B., summa cum laude, in French from Georgia College & State University, completed graduate studies at Duke University and the University of Montpellier in France, and received a Juris Doctor from Washington & Lee University. Mr. Jones has served as an attorney for the National Research Council in Washington, D.C., has been involved with a variety of business enterprises in Milledgeville, and has held several administrative positions in higher education, including Vice President for Institutional Advancement for GMC. Mr. Jones served two terms as a member of the GMC Board of Trustees. He is a member of Phi Kappa Phi (national honor society), Gamma Beta Phi (national service honor society), Alpha Mu Gamma (national foreign language honor society), and a life member of Girl Scouts of America.
The public is invited to attend the parade.