GMC News
Seagraves Deployed Aboard USS Carl Vinson
Auburn University Midshipman Second Class Zachary Seagraves (MIDN 2/C) a 2008 graduate of the Georgia Military College Prep School recently returned from a brief deployment aboard the USS Carl Vinson. “Carl” as the ship is affectionately known, is a Nimitz class aircraft carrier just recently repositioned to Naval Air Station San Diego after an extensive 3 year refueling and overhaul at Northrup-Grumman Shipbuilding in Newport News, VA. Named after Milledgeville native US Congressman Carl Vinson (D, GA), who also attended GMC, she is the first ship in US Navy history to be named after a living person (USS Ronald Reagan and USS George H. W. Bush followed). She was launched on March 15, 1980, commissioned two years later and during 12 deployments over that 30 year period she has proudly represented and served the United States in both war and peace. Zachary is the son of Scott and Karen Seagraves of Milledgeville and the grandson of the late Jimmy Williams and Gloria Williams, and Felton and Mary Seagraves. Zachary is pictured on the flight deck of the USS Carl Vinson.