GMC News
School Spirit Award
Georgia Military College received the 2006 Will Robinson Race School Spirit Award during the road race held Saturday, November 18, 2006. GMC Running and Cross Country Coach Stacie Goggans said, “260 GMC cadets, siblings, teachers and parents, ranging from GMC middle school through GMC junior college, participated in the race this year and this marks the 5th consecutive year that GMC has won the School Spirit Award.”
The Will Robinson Memorial Road Race has been held since 1996 to support several local charities and to honor a fallen hero, Deputy Will Robinson, who was killed in the line of duty, December 17, 1995. The School Spirit Award, given each year to the school with the most participants, is of special significance to GMC, as Will Robinson was a 1987 graduate of GMC High School.
Additional awards went awarded to the following GMC students:
10 and under
2nd place – Josh Brown
3rd place – Thomas Resha
3rd place – Lindee Lord, Jeremy Straughn
1st palce – Rod Dudley
2nd place – Travis Gilliland(alumnus), Page Jackson
3rd place – Clifton Wingfield, Erin McDade.