GMC News

Scholars Night

Georgia Military College recently recognized its prep school students for academic, JROTC, and community achievement, and honored them with a special ceremony. Below is a list of awards and scholarships, which were presented during Scholars Night on May 8, 2006.

James C. Bonner Award for Excellence in Georgia History (awarded to the 8th grade student with the highest average in Georgia History and named for Dr.
James C. Bonner, former professor of history at Georgia College & State University): Colby Pennington and John Austin Vance.

Bill Ragan/Larry Heymann Award for Excellence in English (awarded to the 8th grade student with the highest average in English and named for two former GMC English teachers, the late COL Bill Ragan who taught in the prep school and the junior college for many years, and LTC Larry Heymann who taught in the prep school): Matthew Harrison.

John L. Anderson, Jr. Award for Excellence in Algebra (awarded to the 8th grade student with the highest average in Algebra I and named for COL John L. Anderson, Jr., former GMC principal and instructor of mathematics): Matthew Harrison.

William H. Prosser Award for Excellence in Science (awarded to the 8th grade student with the highest average in the field of Science and named for Dr. William H. Prosser, a 1980 graduate of GMC Prep School, who is currently a research scientist with NASA): Matthew Harrison.

Larry Allen GMC Scholarship ($1,000 scholarship awarded by the GMC Bulldog Club to a senior who has excelled academically, exhibited overall excellence, and plans to attend Georgia Military College after graduation): Rebecca Anne Autry.

Governor’s Honors (presented to a student in the sophomore or junior class to attend the Governor’s Honors Program over the summer): Alvin Huff.

Society of the Colonial Dames Essay Award: Mandy Moore (First Place), Danielle Fietkau (Honorable Mention) and Tony Hicks (Honorable Mention).

Daughters of the American Revolution Essay Award: Kristen Whipple (First Place), Kasey Durden (Second Place), Julie Sharpe (Third Place).

United Daughters of the Confederacy Essay Contest: Kristen Whipple, 10th grade (First Place), Kasey Durden, 10th grade (Second Place), Alex Levendis, 8thgrade (First Place), Sean Tighe, 7th grade (Second Place).

Wendy’s High School Heisman Athletic Citizenship Awards (presented to one female and one male student who have participated in sports, exhibited outstanding sportsmanship, and attained high grades): Stephanie Chappell and Travis Gilliland.

Army Reserve National Scholar Athlete (presented to the male and female student athlete who have displayed excellence in both academics and athletics): Travis Gilliland and Danielle Fietkau.

Youth Leadership Baldwin Graduates: Jessica Grant, Alex de Feria, Mandy Moore, Danielle Fietkau, and Abbie Wood.

The Nancy Kennedy Reading Achievement Award (presented to the student in each grade who accumulated the highest number of Accelerated Reading points to their grade and named for Nancy Kennedy, former GMC English teacher): Rem Tolentino (6th grade), Alyssa Williams (7th grade), Caroline Smith (8th grade), Adam Peeler (9th grade), Daniel Giles (10th grade), Kenneth Stewart (11th grade), and Melissa Smith (12th grade).

STAR Student/STAR Teacher Award (presented to the student who had the highest SAT score from one sitting through the November 2005 test date and ranks in the top 10 students, and to the teacher he or she selects as influential in his or her success): Mary Beth Martinez and COL John Alton.

Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Award (presented to a sophomore, based on a competitive essay, to attend a three-day leadership seminar over the summer):
Alvin Huff.

Rotary Youth Leadership Award (presented to two rising seniors who demonstrated outstanding qualities of character, personality, and educational potential, to attend a three-day leadership workshop over the summer): Sharneka Johnson and Kaylin Paschal

University of Rochester Humanities/Social Sciences Award (presented to the junior with the highest academic average in the humanities): Jameia Huff.

Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science (presented to the junior with the highest academic average in science): Kenneth Stewart.

Kodak Young Leaders Award (presented by the Eastman Kodak Company and the University of Rochester to recognize sophomores with outstanding achievement in leadership and academics): Clint Crawley, Kasey Durden, Amanda Gregg, Alvin Huff, April Lawson, Caroline Mason, Josh Meeks, Rudy Mills, Amy Patel, Zach Seagraves, and Kristen Whipple.

Xerox Award for Innovation and Information Technology: (presented to one junior who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the pursuit of innovative approaches and an appreciation for the possibilities of technology): Brandon Griffin.

The American Legion Georgia Boys State Award (presented to one junior to attend the government education program over the summer): Chris Couch.

Baldwin County/Milledgeville Junior Miss Scholarship Program (the oldest scholarship program in America that benefits high school girls with evaluation in 5 categories: scholastic achievement, judge’s interview, talent presentation, physical fitness, and poise). Certificates of participation were given to: Kaitlyn Griner, Ashley Moore, Jamie Lynn LeBrun, Elizabeth Stamm, Ashley McCready, Breanna Mosley, Cason Parker, Torre Curry, Kaylin Paschal, and Jameia Huff. Winners of the Junior Miss Scholarship Program include: Jameia Huff, Hancock County, Jamie Lynn LeBrun, Baldwin County, and Ashley Moore, Milledgeville. These students will compete at Georgia’s Junior Miss in July, 2006. Jamie Lynn LeBrun, named 2006 Baldwin County Junior Miss, received $2,500 in scholarships. Ashley Moore, named 2006 Milledgeville Junior Miss, received $1,750 in scholarships.

2005-2006 Magnolia State Bank Junior Board of Directors (high school students selected to learn about banking services, investing, the local economy, and leadership skills, and to help the bank identify ways to serve the community): Jamie Lynn LeBrun (senior representative), Kristen Whipple (junior representative), and John Jackson (sophomore representative).

Clemson’s Challenge for Academically Talented Students: (presented to academically gifted 9th and 10th grade students to attend the Clemson University Summer Learning Program): Haylee DeLoach, Kasey Durden, Alvin Huff, Dalton Pearce, Kristen Whipple, and Zach Seagraves.

University of Georgia Certificate of Merit (presented by the University of Georgia to identify superior scholastic endeavors through outstanding achievement in the first three years of high school): Kenneth Stewart, Jameia Huff, Sharneka Johnson, and Kaylin Paschal.

Presbyterian College Junior Achievement Award (based on high cumulative grade point average after a student’s first semester of their junior year): Kenneth Stewart, Brandon Griffin, Jameia Huff, and Sharneka Johnson.

Butler Ford $1,000 Award (presented to a senior with superior academic standing, outstanding school and community involvement, and excellent interpersonal skills): Charleston Haslam.

Rotary Club Scholarship for GMC ($500 scholarship presented to a high-achieving senior who is planning to attend Georgia Military College after graduation): Deena Pearson.

LaGrange College Scholarship (presented to one prep school student who has excelled in academics and the performing arts): McKendrick Bearden.

Bernard S. Boyer Benevolence Lodge Scholarship (presented to the child of a past or present member of the Masonic Lodge): Will Childs.

Exchange Bank Scholarship (presented to one student in Baldwin County who has excelled in academics): Mandy Moore.

American Association of University Women (presented to the top senior female student by the Milledgeville, GA branch): Mary Beth Martinez.

Georgia Tech Futures Program (a program for sophomores and juniors who have at least a “B” average and who have expressed an interest in pursuing a professional degree): Stephanie Hollomon, Jameia Huff, Sharneka Johnson, Kasey Durden, Caroline Mason, Jenny Park, Kristen Whipple.

DUKE Talent Identification Program (awarded to 7th graders who have scored in the 95th percentile or higher on an approved standardized test): Wes Applebury, Ashley Avant, Jordi Bohannon, Shelby Brantley, Seth Brown, Ben Crawley, Alicia King, Kevin Kotrick, Logan McDonald, Kelly Riner, Kelly Smith, Sean Tighe, Skylar Walker, Courtney Youmans, Kristen Zweizig.

Principal’s Award (presented to students who have attained the Principal’s List and have not accumulated bullring hours during the first three 9-week grading periods): 6th Grade – Jennifer Brown, Katelyn Coburn, Leanna Harbor, Geovic Jadol, Elise Riggins, Rem Tolentino, Katilin Whipple, and Julia Whitaker; 7th Grade – Jordi Bohannon, Christopher Brown, Christin Cox, Julianna Grant, Tiffany Johnson, Logan McDonald, Hali Minter, Cory Thrower, Sean Tighe, and Kristen Zweizig; 8th Grade – Elizabeth Craig, Lauryn Dennard, Rick Griffin, Matt Harrison, Colby Pennington, and John Austin Vance; 9th Grade – Alexa Anderson, Sarah Beadles, Michael Bunch, Haylee DeLoach, Laura Magruder, Mary Kathryn Mason and Dalton Pearce; 10th Grade – Daniel Du, Kasey Durden, Alvin Huff, Rudy Mills, Amy Patel, and Kristen Whipple; 11th Grade – Kenneth Stewart; 12th Grade – Stephanie Chappell, and Mary Beth Martinez.

Principal’s Leadership Award (presented to a senior who has demonstrated the ability to combine academic excellence and leadership): Stephanie Chappell.

Principal’s Scholarship to GMC (presented to a senior planning to attend Georgia Military College after graduation): Tony Hicks.

Academic Achievement Insignia (this insignia is authorized by those in the top 10% of each high school JROTC class based on grades earned): LET I (9th grade) – Alexa Anderson, Sarah Beadles, Amy Chappell, Haylee DeLoach, Will Fitzgerald, Lauren Harbor, Amelia Haslam, Jimmy Huff, and Holly Zant. LET II (10th grade) – Kayla Blount, Kasey Durden, Ashley Hardie, Amy Patel, Meagan Weaver, and Kristen Whipple. LET III (11th grade) – Jameia Huff, Sharneka Johnson, Alexia Smith, Elizabeth Stamm, and Kenneth Stewart. LET IV (12th grade) – Stephanie Chappell, Danielle Fietkau, and Mary Beth Martinez.

Academic Achievement Ribbon (awarded annually to cadets in each high school JROTC class who maintains an “A” in all subjects): Stephanie Chappell, Kasey Durden, Ashley Martin, Rudy Mills, Mary Beth Martinez, Amy Patel, Kenneth Stewart, Kristen Whipple, Alexa Anderson, Sarah Beadles, Michael Bunch, Haylee DeLoach, Jimmy Huff, Laura Magruder, Mary Kathryn Mason, and Dalton Pearce.

Academic Excellence Award (awarded annually to one cadet in each class for maintaining the highest academic average): Leanna Harbor (6th Grade), Sean Tighe (7th Grade), John Austin Vance (8th Grade), Haylee DeLoach (LET I, 9th grade), Kristen Whipple (LET II, 10th grade), Kenneth Stewart (LET III, 11th grade), Mary Beth Martinez (LET IV, 12th grade).

Academic Excellence Ribbon (awarded annually to one high school cadet in each LET class for maintaining the highest academic average): Haylee DeLoach (LET I), Kristen Whipple (LET II), Kenneth Stewart (LET III), Mary Beth Martinez (LET IV).

Daughters of the American Revolution for Academic Excellence (presented to a senior who has demonstrated the qualities of dependability, good character, adherence to military discipline, leadership ability, and a fundamental and patriotic understanding of the importance of JROTC training): Stephanie Chappell.

American Legion Scholastic Excellence Sliver Award (awarded to a senior who is in the top percentile of his or her class in academic subjects and in the top 25% of his or her class in JROTC subjects): Mary Beth Martinez

American Legion Scholastic Excellence Bronze Award (awarded to a junior who is in the top percentile of his or her class in academic subjects and in the top 25% of his or her class in JROTC subjects): Kenneth Stewart

Distinguished Cadet Award of Scholastic Excellence (awarded to a cadet who exhibits the highest degree of excellence in scholastics and is in the top 25% of his or her JROTC subjects): Haylee DeLoach

The National Honor Society – Coca Cola Scholarship: (awarded by the National Honor Society and Coca Cola to one student who has outstanding exhibited leadership and scholarship): Jessica Grant.

GMC Academic Discipline Awards: Mary Beth Martinez (Mathematics, English, Science, Social Science, and Spanish), Abbie Wood (French).