GMC News
Lenderman Receives Mason Cup
GMC junior college student and golf team member Richard Lenderman was presented the Mason Cup during a special ceremony held during the junior college football game on Saturday, November 4, 2006.
A graduate of Tattnall Square Academy, Richard Lenderman played for GMC in 2005 and 2006. The GMC golf team finished 3rd and 9th respectively, during his tenure. His scores were consistently in the middle to upper 70\’s and he was a fierce competitor at the National Tournament where a player must be able to withstand intense pressure. GMC Golf Coach Sonny Harmon said, “Richard was a team leader academically with a GPA of 3.30 and he set a fine example as one who could compete athletically as well as academically. His idea of a fun class is calculus. He will be attending GCSU for a short period before transferring to Georgia Tech. We wish him well.”
The Mason Cup is an annual award named for Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Mason, Sr., of Milledgeville who established an endowment fund in 2001 to support the GMC junior college golf program. The inscription on the cup, which Mr. Mason authored, reads, “Golf and life will put your character to the test. Smile at the lie, have faith, achieve by effort, be determined and surpass the test.” In the attached photo, Richard Lenderman (left) is shown with Mr. and Mrs. Mason.