GMC News

Huff Nominated to Attend GHP

Huff to Attend Governor’s Honors Program

(Milledgeville, GA) January 31, 2006 C/SSG Alvin Huff, son of Pecola Huff of Milledgeville, has been nominated to represent Georgia Military College Prep School at the 2006 Governor’s Honors Program in the field of biology. Alvin began attending GMC Prep School in the sixth grade. He is a member of the GMC Marching Band and is an active participant in the school’s choral and drama programs. He has been instrumental in organizing and implementing several school wide service projects and is a recipient of the GMC Distinguished Order of the Servant Leader, awarded to any member of the GMC community who amasses 100 or more hours of community service. Alvin holds membership in the National Junior Beta Club, the National Honor Society, and Who’s Who Among American High School Students. In addition to being nominated for the Governor’s Honors Program, Alvin will attend the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Seminar at Oglethorpe University in May, 2006. Letters of acceptance for the Governor\’s Honors Program will be sent out the first week of April.

Governor’s Honors Program is a six-week summer instructional program housed at Valdosta State University designed to provide intellectually gifted and artistically talented high school students challenging and enriching educational opportunities not usually available during the regular school year. Activities are designed to provide each participant with opportunities to acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes to become independent, life-long learners.