GMC News

GMC Loans Computers to Collins P. Lee Center

GMC Loans Computers to Collins P. Lee Center in Harrisburg Community


Last week the Collins P. Lee Center held their grand re-opening! After being closed for several months, the center was eager to get back in business helping the youth of the Harrisburg community. Part of that effort is providing technology for students in the after-school program, and to adults in the community. That’s where Georgia Military College comes in. 

Georgia Military College loaned and installed 12 computers at the center last summer to benefit the after-school students and adults in the Harrisburg community. Now that the Collins P. Lee Center has reopened, GMC upgraded the computers there and ensured everything was set to operate in support of the re-opening.

In addition to the ongoing partnership with the Collins P. Lee Center, GMC also began working with Voyage of Hope and Community Outreach in 2017. GMC was able to supply 10 computers to this group that does after-school programs, tutoring, and youth trips. 

Tommy French, a volunteer and activist for the Harrisburg area, reached out to Georgia Military College President, Lieutenant General William B. Caldwell, IV, ahead of the center’s grand re-opening to ensure the installation and maintenance of the computers at the Collins P. Lee Center.

“Having these computers at the center has been a big success in the community,” French said. “The technology helps students get up to par beyond the classroom, and it gives some of our older community members the opportunity to learn how to use computers. It’s imperative that we have this technology available at the Collins P. Lee Center and we’re grateful to Georgia Military College for providing it.”

Brian Milner, Director of Technical Support for Information Technology at Georgia Military College, says it’s important to GMC to maintain a positive relationship between GMC as an institution, and the community.

“We recognize there has been a need in the Harrisburg community for students from that area to be able to utilize technology when they’re not at school,” Milner said. “The need for computers spans beyond the classroom now and it’s a necessity that some in this community don’t have the luxury to have in their homes. That’s why we partnered with the Collins P. Lee Center to be able to provide this technology to students, and to others in the area. Our goal is to help not just the students of Georgia Military College, but those in the community in which we reside. Building that partnership, and maintaining it is important to make sure this community thrives.”

Georgia Military College looks forward to continuing this special relationship between GMC and the Harrisburg community, and the Milledgeville-Baldwin community overall.