GMC News
GMC continues to expand educational opportunities with articulation agreements
Georgia Military College’s (GMC) partnerships with technical colleges and four-year colleges and universities across the nation continue to expand through its articulation agreements. An articulation agreement is a binding agreement between two institutions that provides a seamless transfer from one institution to another. GMC has two types of agreements that expand educational opportunities for GMC graduates and technical college graduates with Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees. These agreements are designed to provide the best pathway for graduates to continue their education and achieve their career goals.
One of GMC’s core missions is to provide pathways for the successful transfer of GMC graduates to a four-year institution. GMC currently has 43-articulation agreements with four-year colleges/universities, 39 of which guarantee students admission into those institutions. These agreements allow GMC graduates to complete their bachelor degree at a four-year institution and many provide the flexibility for students to take courses in the classroom or online. GMC signed its latest articulation agreement of this type with Western Kentucky University.
GMC is also providing a pathway for Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree holders from technical colleges to obtain their Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) degree through GMC. GMC has signed 11-articulation agreements thus far with schools in the Technical College System of Georgia. This partnership signifies the commitment to better serve currently enrolled and future students at both institutions, as well as support economic and workforce development in the communities they serve. GMC currently offers the BAS degree both online and at its Augusta campus. The latest articulation agreement of this type was signed with Georgia Piedmont Technical College earlier this month. GMC’s goal is to have agreements with all 22- technical colleges in the state of Georgia.
Both agreements are consistent with Governor Nathan Deal’s Complete College Georgia initiative, which is designed to provide an improved educational pipeline from high school through college graduation. GMC will continue to contribute to student success by adding more agreements every year with both 4-year institutions and technical colleges. You can see a list of schools with which GMC has articulation agreements at