GMC News
Duke TIP
GMC Seventh Graders Qualify for Duke TIP
Fifteen GMC 7th grade students have qualified to participate in Duke University\’s Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP). Duke TIP identifies gifted children and provides resources to nurture the development of these exceptionally bright youngsters. Students qualify for the program by scoring at the 95th percentile, or higher, on a grade-level standardized achievement, aptitude, or mental ability test or on an approved state criterion-referenced test. These students are permitted to take the SAT or ACT at an early date, which gives them the opportunity not only to preview a test they will take later on for college admission, but also to gain valuable insight into their academic abilities. Pictured, left to right, (front) Kelly Smith, Kelly Riner, Sean Tighe, Logan McDonald, Ashley Avant; (middle) Shelby Brantley, Ben Crawley, Skylar Walker, Seth Brown; (top) Kristen Zweizig, Jordon Bohannon, Kevin Kotrick, Courtney Youmans, Alicia King. Not pictured, Wesley Applebury.