GMC News
Character of the Week: Danielle Chaney
Character of the Week: Danielle Chaney
I would like to nominate Danielle Chaney, a sophomore, for Character of the Week for the virtue of kindness. The first day of school is trying for any student, especially those new to a school. While I am sure that many students went out of their way to show kindness to our new students, I witnessed great kindness from Danielle. Danielle went out of her way to make a new student feel welcome at GMC. After lunch Danielle made it a point to tell the new student that she looked for him at lunch and wanted him to know that he could sit with her and her friends anytime. She invited him to sit next to her in class and included him in all her conversations. All of these actions would make any new student feel more welcomed. Danielle exemplified kindness to perfection.
MAJ Amy Raines Lee
English Department