GMC News

Word of the Week: Country

Georgia Military College Prep School
Word of the Week:  Country
September 27– October 3, 2015

Definition:   (a) A nation or state, (b) The territory of a nation or state; land (c) The people of a nation or state; populace

Quotable Quotes:
“The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.” –  Samuel Adams

“The patriot volunteer, fighting for country and his rights, makes the most reliable soldier on earth.” – Stonewall Jackson

“The U.S. Military is us. There is no truer representation of a country than the people that it sends into the field to fight for it. The people who wear our uniform and carry our rifles into combat are our kids, and our job is to support them, because they're protecting us.” – Tom Clancy

“To one who loves his country in all its parts, it is natural to rejoice in whatever contributes to the prosperity and honor and marks the stability and progress of any portion of its people.”  –  Jefferson Davis

Let’s Get to the Point:
“My country, Tis of thee,” was written by Samuel Francis Smith while a student of  Andover Theological Seminary in 1831.  The song is also known as “America” and was  written to the tune of the national anthem of the United Kingdom, “God Save the Queen,”  arranged by Thomas Arne.  It served as the unofficial national anthem of the newly  formed United States before the official adoption of “The Star-Spangled Banner” in  1931.  So of all the items we ‘borrowed’ from Great Britain after the Revolutionary War,  we also stole the melody of their country’s song as our own.  The song actually has  thirteen verses that have been added at different times in our country’s history by a  number of influential people.

Putting Words into Action:
Are you thankful that you live in such a great country?  Do you show your love for America?  Does it upset you when you see other people show disrespect to our flag or nation? Our nation allows us freedoms that millions if not billions around the world envy.  The right to vote, to question our elected officials, and to peacefully protest are all rights we have that would land you in BIG trouble in other countries.  We must maintain those rights and responsibilities in order to keep America as strong as she can be. 


Think About It:
A country is more than just a piece of land.  It is who we are and what we stand for.  We  love it and will do anything to protect it.  It is one thing we all have in common being  Americans.


Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher and poet, once said “Governing a nation is like cooking a small fish – too much handling will spoil it.” Fortunately the United States’ government is set up in a way in which it gently handles the fish.

Growing up, my family has always held Fourth of July parties at our house, but as I have gotten older I have slowly learned the the word country is more than just showing patriotism. Country, to me, is about my home, my background. At Georgia Military College Prep School, we prove that the word country is more than just showing patriotism. We come to realize that “country” is built how we carry ourselves and about the character of the people.

Every morning, we shout “Duty, Honor, Country.” As I look back at each morning we say this, I don’t believe that every cadet realizes the meaning. To my fellow classmates, “country” is just a word that we say and “throw around” at GMC. When we say country, we, as cadets, should realize that there an extensive amount of pride following that word. We should be proud to say the word country because there is a reason we say it. We say it to recognize the great country we live in and should live by the word, knowing in our minds that it is an honor to live with the purpose of giving back to the great country that we live in.

As I have grown older, I have extensively pondered my future and how that would give back to my country. I have made it a personal goal to urge my classmates and friends to do the same. Giving back to your country does not necessarily mean you should enlist in the armed services or become a politician, because giving back could be as simple as serving the people of the country. We must do this because we are afforded this opportunity in our country.

The United States is an example that expounds upon what Tzu once said. Our country is set up in the way in which it gently cooks the fish that never finishes cooking. As new generations of citizens begin to run the country, seasoning is being added to the fish, making it more flavorful and causing more people want a piece of the fish. The fish is being cooked by a chef. The chef is made up of millions of American citizens who pride themselves in making the fish a “house special” so to speak. Because we are a democracy, self-governed, and elect the people we want to lead us. This is how every one of us acts like the chef. Like any chef would, at different times of the cooking, we add a seasoning or ingredient to throw on the fish. If the fish is handled too much, meaning the chef was to be one person and the fish represents the citizens, then the chef will ruin the dish and the fish would no longer live up to its great expectations. Therefore, as Americans we must come together and build a world renown chef add the entrée—our country—to the rest of the dish—the world.

C/SFC Trevor Sibilsky is a student at Georgia Military College Prep School