GMC News
Robins Club Fair
Submitted by:
Laura Lee, GMC-Warner Robins
GMC-Warner Robins will host its Spring 2006 Club Fair on Tuesday, February 14, at 6:00 p.m., in the Atrium at the Elliott Hall campus. GMC will sponsor a \”Student Night\” where the staff will serve complimentary pizza slices to the students — until the pies run out! The campus\’ Beta Gamma Theta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa will set-up a Coffee Shop to sell regular & gourmet coffee, hot chocolate, soft drinks, & \”sweets\” to the students, faculty, & staff as a special fundraising project. Each club and it\’s faculty sponsors and student representatives or officers will be present to educate the student body on what their group has to offer. Some clubs will have special incentives or games to entertain students.
The SGA Group will be collecting names for the Bowling Tournament between the staff and faculty which will take place on Saturday, Feb 25th. PTK will be collecting names of interested donors for the May 2 Blood Drive.
Clubs in attendance will include:
Phi Theta Kappa (Ms. Lee & Mrs. Shepley-James)
Student Government Association (SGA) (Mr. Moore & Mr. Sersey)
Biology Club (Mrs. Paul & Mr. White)
Christian Club (student sponsor, Dale Smith)
Mu Alpha Theta (Mr. Renfro)
Drama/Theatre Club (Dr. Davis)
GMC-WR Newsetter (Mrs. Wilcox & Ms. Lee)
All students are welcome to come out & join in the fun!