GMC News

President’s Parade

Georgia Military College offers a unique combination of academic, military and character education to students at the levels of sixth grade through the second year of college. Those who began Georgia Military College for the first time this fall were officially welcomed into the Regiment, during the President’s Parade, Sunday, November 1, 2:00 PM, on Grant Parade. GMC crests were pinned onto the new cadets’ uniforms by a family member or close friend signifying they are officially members of the 131st Corps of Cadets.

Additionally, the Distinguished Order of the Servant Leader Award was presented to the following cadets for volunteering 100 hours or more within one calendar year: Edward Kenimer, Ashley Vinson, Kristen Aweizig, Analese Bridges, Audrey Bloodworth, and Seth Lowery.

The President’s Inspection Streamer Award for the best overall junior college company was presented to Company B, 1st Battalion. The best junior college cadets selected by the president were Anthony Finch and Michael Pettis.

The Mason Cup was presented to Jordan Hale by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mason.

Mr. Robert Ritchotte, who retired this fall, was honored with a saber for the 15 years of service as the GMC Food Service Director.

The guest speaker was Major General Peter J. Boylan, USA (Ret.), President of Georgia Military College.
