GMC News
JC Character of the Month – Major Bragg
JC Character of the Month – March 6
Major Bragg
Nominated by: Sharon McClung RN, GMC Health Services
One facet of character which I observed and admired in one of our cadets this past week is responsibility. Major Bragg, as the head of S4, had the responsibility of supplies for the Appalachian Trail. He personally came to Health Services to request assistance with first aid packs to disperse along the line. He gave suggestions for specific items showing that he had analyzed needs and was not just trying to check off an assigned duty. He affirmed the presence of a nurse on the trip as a resource and back-up for the cadet medics. He was proactive in his planning as he suggested that the Health Services radios be carried by himself and the nurse to allow for communication re: medical issues. This forward thinking was very beneficial as this was the only communication device that functioned in this setting. I believe his responsibility in careful planning contributed to the safety and well-being of the cadet corps.