GMC News

GMC Prep to Host Ribbon Cutting for Prep School Annex

GMC Prep to Host Ribbon Cutting for Prep School Annex

(LTG Caldwell – President of GMC, COL Pam Grant – Principal of GMC Prep, LTC Kim Leben – Assistant Principal of GMC Prep, and Jeff Gray – VP of Engineering)

Georgia Military College Prep School will host a ribbon cutting for the new Prep School Annex on Thursday, August 1, at 9:00 a.m. The new building will house third and fourth graders to start the school year, with fifth grade residing in the Old Capitol Building. Located on the Historic Old Capitol Square, the new Prep School Annex is a 24,076 square foot building that sits next to Jenkins Hall. The sidewalk from the Old Capitol building to Wayne Street dictates a one and a half story building.  GMC is restoring the west gate with a historic arch that mimics the other two gates on campus. The lower level contains the main entrance, as well as a 1,428 square foot Visual Arts Studio. The upper level provides a cafeteria with a full kitchen and large outdoor patio space, two computer labs, a reading room and a multi-purpose room. The cafeteria will seat 288 students for lunch and approximately 550 for student performances. The upper level will also house a student testing room, conference room, two administrative offices, and four large classrooms.

GMC Prep School leaders and guests will cut the ribbon Thursday morning at the new Prep School Annex building, followed by a reception.

WHEN: Thursday, August 1, 2019
TIME: 9:00 a.m.
WHERE: Prep School Annex, on Wayne Street below the Old Capitol Building

We invite all media and community members to attend this event to learn more about GMC Prep School and our plans for the future growth of our curriculum!