GMC News
GMC Augusta signs articulation agreement with Augusta Technical College
Georgia Military College (GMC), a two year liberal arts college with campuses across the state of Georgia, signed an articulation agreement with Augusta Technical College today at the GMC Augusta campus.
An articulation agreement, otherwise known as a transfer agreement, helps students easily transfer into another college or university to complete a higher degree. This articulation agreement will allow Augusta Technical College alumni from certain programs a seamless transfer into GMC’s Bachelors of Applied Science program.
This historic signing will mean an increase in opportunity for students living in the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA). Students that are interested in receiving more information about this program or transfer agreement should contact the GMC Augusta admissions department at (706) 993-1123.
Pictured (left to right): Lieutenant General William B. Caldwell, IV, President of Georgia Military College (GMC) and Augusta Technical College President Mr. Terry D. Elam