GMC News

Georgia Military College Announces Winter Enrollment Figures

Georgia Military College announced a large increase in enrollments for the 2002 Winter Quarter. “Our enrollments at the Milledgeville campus are 21% above this same time period last year, with a significant increase in both our junior college cadet and commuter students,” said Dr. Tom Webb, Georgia Military College Director of Admissions. In fact, GMC’s Winter Quarter enrollments are higher than this past Fall Quarter, which, according to Webb, is very unusual. Dr. Webb attributes the increase to improved recruiting and retention efforts, and especially to the positive word-of-mouth from GMC’s current students to their friends and peers. Webb states, “While we (recruiters) can talk about small class sizes, one-on-one assistance from our instructors, and free tutoring, when these same sentiments come from a current student, the prospective student is more likely to listen. In addition, a growth in class offerings through the GMC at Night Program allows working people to conveniently pursue a college education.”