GMC News

Alumnus Tim Nix Injured in Iraq

(Milledgeville, GA) April 26, 2005 – First Lieutenant Timothy “Tim” Nix, a 2000 graduate of GMC junior college, was injured late Friday night in Iraq. Nix is the Platoon Leader of the 2nd Platoon (dirty deuce) in the 58th Combat Engineer Company, 11th Armored Calvary Regiment, stationed in Fort Irwin, California.

According the CSM Calvin Hill, GMC Tactical Officer, who has been in touch with Nix’s wife, Christie, the vehicle (M-113) Tim was traveling in hit an IED (improvised explosive device) and he suffered shrapnel injuries to the right and left back sides of his head and to his right hand. Mrs. Nix said when she spoke to Tim as the Army was preparing to transport him to Germany for emergency medical treatment, he said, “I don’t want to leave, I want to stay with my men.” Once his condition has stabilized, he will be transported to the Madigon Hospital at Fort Lewis, Washington.

During his time at GMC, Tim was the Regimental Commander and a State Service Scholarship Cadet. Following his graduation from GMC, he transferred to Georgia Southern, then back to Milledgeville to attend Georgia College & State University. While studying at GC&SU, Tim was a tactical officer for GMC and a Gold Bar Recruiter for the GMC Military Science Department.

Pictured: 1LT Tim Nix standing beside the M-113 in which he was traveling when injured.