GMC News

Winter Quarter Blood Drive Sets Record for GMC

Georgia Military College hosted our winter quarter blood drive for Main Campus on February 3, 2004. The exciting news is that the blood drive set a record for our institution. We had a record number of units collected and a record number of participants. Of the 83 presenters, 71 pints of blood were collected.

The turn out was so tremendous that even though the drive was scheduled to end at 5pm, it did not conclude until nearly 7pm. The Red Cross workers were willing to work the extra hours and the donors were patient about waiting in line.

Ms. Brenda Brown, Coordinator of Community Service at GMC said, “Several factors precipitated the unexpected rise in numbers. The Junior College Cadets (as always) turned out in record numbers. Our citizens are keenly aware of the critical shortage of blood. We had excellent media coverage. Ms. Cynthia Anderson encouraged her students in Biology to attend the drive and give great consideration to becoming a blood donor. Most of her students are nursing students who would greatly benefit from the experience of attending a blood drive. She talked to them about service to their community and they listened and responded.”

The next scheduled blood drive on our campus will be on Tuesday, April 6, 2004 from noon until 5pm. Call Brenda Brown at 445-5265 to schedule an appointment time and please be sure to bring some identification.

Ms. Brown reminds us, “If you cannot give blood then please consider volunteering to help with the blood drive. Extra hands are always needed and welcomed. Volunteers do not come in contact with blood or any contaminants.”
